EMYOOGA is a presidential initiative on wealth and job creation which is part of the government’s continuous strategy to transform 68% (currently 39% as per the Uganda national Household Survey 2019/2020) of Ugandan homesteads from subsistence to market oriented production. The program targets 18 specialized skills of various enterprises of Boda Boda, taxi operators, Women entrepreneurs, market vendors, saloon operators, tailors, produce dealers, welder, carpenters, Restaurant owners, mechanics, fishermen, performing artists, Local leaders, and veterans, PWDs, Journalists and Youth Leaders. Objective of the program -Promoting job creation and improving household income of Ugandans Status of the program in kanungu district Emyooga program was launched in kanungu district on 23rd June, 2020 by the state Minister for Microfinance, Hon. Haruna Kasoro which kick started mobilization of masses to the program Over 1,560 groups were mobilized and validation of the formed associations was done by MSC in November 2020. After validation the district under the department of Trade led by the district commercial Officer mobilized the formed parish based Associations to form constituency based Emyooga SACCOs, SACCO leaders were leaders were elected and registration of SACCOs by the registrar of cooperatives commenced. The district has 36 EMYOOGA SACCOs distributed in the two constituencies of Kinkizi East and Kinkizi West. The district has so far received a seed capital of 1,320,000.000 shillings for the 36 SACCOs.